Susan Newmark

Work on paper and unique artists books by Susan Newmark integrate collage, paint, photo imagery, layered fragments from popular culture, and found objects in an exploration of narrative and storytelling, place,memory, nature, and the human body. Ms. Newmark has had three solo exhibitions at the Fig­ure­works Gallery in Williams­burg, Brook­lyn, the Gar­ri­son Art Cen­ter in Garrison Landing, NY, the Grand Army Plaza Library in Brooklyn, and the gal­leries of Long Island Uni­ver­sity, John Jay Uni­ver­sity and St. John’s Uni­ver­sity. She was selected for a three person show at the Southampton Cultural Center in Long Island ,and a two per­son show at St. Joseph’s Col­lege with artist Miriam Schaer. Her work has been in many group exhi­bi­tions includ­ing those at the Brook­lyn Museum of Art, the Par­rish Museum, the Islip Museum, Brook­lyn Col­lege, the Cen­ter for Book Arts ‚and Gallery North in Setauket, N.Y. Ms. New­mark has had res­i­den­cies at the Lower East Side Printshop‚ the Women’s Stu­dio Work­shop and the Byrd­cliff Arts Cen­ter, and is in the col­lec­tions of the Brook­lyn Museum, the Lower East Side Printshop, the Center for Book Arts, and the Bio Med­ical Library of the Uni­ver­sity of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. She was the guest cura­tor for Rare Edi­tions: The Book as Art at Lehman Col­lege Art Gallery/City Col­lege of NY, and was the Deputy Direc­tor for the Visual Arts and Arts-in-Education at the Abrons Arts Cen­ter Henry Street Set­tle­ment. She coor­di­nates Dia­logues in the Visual Arts, a series of con­ver­sa­tions with artists, at the Brooklyn Public Library previously at Tribeca Per­form­ing Arts Cen­ter ,and teaches col­lage and mixed media to adults. She is a board mem­ber of the Cen­ter for Book Arts and Elders Share the Art, and on the advi­sory com­mit­tee of the Kentler Inter­na­tional Draw­ing Space. She lives and works in Brook­lyn, New York.