Rafael BQueer

Rafael BQueer lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. BQueer graduated with Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). His work transits through different languages ​​such as performance, video, photography, among other practices and from investigations on the body, decoloniality, gender, and sexuality. He participated in several residencies and exhibitions, among them: Art and Activism Project in Latin America – Despina, RJ (2017); Red Bull Station – SP (2017); Exhibition “How to Read The Paschal Duck: Disney’s Latin America and Latin America’s Disney” – MAK Center, Los Angeles (2017). Artist finalist of the EDP Award in the Arts – Instituto Tomie Ohtake – SP (2018); Participated in the course “Training and deformation” of the School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage – RJ (2018); Artist selected by EAV Parque Lage for the Artistic residency grant at AnnexB in New York (2019); Artist nominated for the 7th edition of the Marcantonio Vilaça Award for Fine Arts – SP (2019); He also develops a work through his Drag Queen persona, Uhura BQueer.
