Ibrahim Miranda

Ibrahim Miranda (Pinar del Rio, Cuba, July 6, 1969), painter, engraver and professor, is one of the most in-demand Cuban artists. With poetry inspired in “islandness” as a concept with all the thematic connotations and psychology it entails, Miranda reinterprets his vision of this island, expanding its borders and physical limits so as to make it universal. Icons so suggestive as the alligator, the sleeping Indian, the retracing of history as a way to know our interior selves, make us reflect on our origins and their worth, the geography that each of us carries wherever we go and defines us as human beings.


1980-1983 Elementary Art School, Pinar del Rio, CUBA

1984-1988 Engraving. National School of Fine Art (ENAP), Havana, CUBA

1988-1993 Superior Institute of Art (ISA), Havana, CUBA

