Edward Monovich is a Professor at Massachusetts College of Art & Design. He lives and works as an artist in Belmont, Massachusetts. A combined interest in Visual Arts and Biology drive his study of ecology in the Rocky Mountains and the Alps. While in Colorado, Monovich painted and observed Big Horn Sheep and Rocky Mountain Goats (Schneeziegen). Currently Monovich collaborates with Alpine Ibex specialists, investigating new ways to communicate scientific data to the public. His works have directly involved audiences for more than12 years. Interactive Installation Art invites viewers to contribute their own drawings and graffiti, to connect-the-dots, or to play learning games like “pin the tail on the donkey.” Monovich’s first “graffiti collaboration,” was installed at The Drawing Center in New York. From there, collaborative projects have traveled to diverse locations, changed and adapted to new environments. Viewer contributions from varied locations are linked, creating exchange. Monovich received his MFA from the University of Texas at Austin in 1996 and his BA in Biology from Kalamazoo College in 1992. His works have exhibited in Colombia, England, Belgium, Italy, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Texas, Florida, Colorado and Michigan. He currently teaches at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston. – See more at: http://www.swissnexboston.org/event/footprint-he1-epi2/#sthash.HtbfL6a4.dpuf