Diego Medina

1988 – 1993 BA in Architecture, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO) Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.

By considering artwork a process of construction that parallels the process of life, I produce work that discusses themes of life, renewal, the city and its culture, the present time and the construction of cultures through history. It is in a state of alert that one is always ready to create an immediate response to reality. The intention of my work is to share my interest in being conscious of the present time and space and to respond in a relevant way. My actions of transforming ordinary objects in a new and loaded form could be seen as an autobiographical statement expressing my personal experience of being a Mexican immigrant living in the US. This leads into a further hope and intention to transform relationships between people, communities, and spaces through art. I want to invite viewers to explore the possibility of cultural mutation, evolution, and construction.

By thinking of learning and the production of art as different aspects of the same process, I interact with the audience to create a network of interconnected actions and relationships to improve societal conditions of life.
