Category Archives: Artist Bios

Sana Musasama

Sana Musasama received her BA from City College of New York, NY (1973) and her [...]

Iván Navarro

Iván Navarro is known internationally for his socio-politically charged sculptures of neon, fluorescent and incandescent [...]

George Negroponte

George Negroponte was born in New York City in 1953. He studied art at Yale [...]

Rodrigo Rojas De Negri

Rodrigo Rojas De Negri (1967-1986) was a young photographer who, who at 19 years old, [...]

Susan Newmark

Work on paper and unique artists books by Susan Newmark integrate collage, paint, photo imagery, [...]

Gontran Guanaes Netto

Netto was born in the city of Vera Cruz January 1, 1933, from a family [...]

Stella Nicolaou

Stella Nicolaou artist and teacher when not revisiting her favorite paintings in the museums and galleries [...]

Richard Notkin

Richard Notkin is a full-time studio artist who lives and works in Helena, Montana. He [...]

Filip Noterdaeme

Filip Noterdaeme is the founder and director of  the Homeless Museum of Art (HOMU), a [...]

Zhang O

Zhang O was born in China and since 2004 lives and works in New York [...]