Anna Parisi (b. 1984) is a Brooklyn-based Brazilian artist working predominantly with sculpture and performance. Her work investigates the traumatic experience of black, female-coded, and historically oppressed bodies in order to develop a cultural practice that dismantles and questions patriarchal, heteronormative and racial hegemonies. Through both her artistic and curatorial work, Anna is interested in addressing issues of racial disparity, gender, human and civil rights from an intersectional perspective. She is deeply interested in gestures that establish dialogues between people of the African Diaspora, and in working through ideas of decolonization and the deconstruction of biases. Anna holds an MFA from Parsons, The New School of Design in New York, a BFA in Communications with a minor in Filmmaking from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), and an MA in Strategic Design from the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM-Rio). at UrbanGlass, Hunter East Harlem Art Gallery, The Bureau of General Services—Queer Division and The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, Smack Mellon, Wesbeth Gallery, Queens Museum, Artigo Rio, Musée D’Elysee in Lausanne, among others.