Alexandros Lambrovassilis was born in Athens/Greece in1970 and studied Percussion at the Athens Conservatory of Music, (1996 -2001). He worked as a professional musician from 1994 until 2004. In 2006 Lambrovassilis moves to New York to pursue photography, which for him has been first and foremost a tool for exploration and discovery.
In his work Lambrovassilis is researching visual perception and the processes happening behind the camera, in the human brain where meaning is created from all which lay in front of our eyes. His focus, towards the development of an intriguing and engaging visual narrative, is on the role of photography in our collective understanding of the world we live.“How much do we visually discover the world and how much do we repeat it as a Visual Mantra?” This is the question around which Lambrovassilis’ work with the medium evolves.
He has been a professional photographer since 2000, collaborating with art directors, editors and curators in the United States, in Europe and in Asia on Documentary, Portraiture, Architectural and Set Photography assignments for print, online and exhibition purposes. Alexandros has been teaching photography in New York City at P.I. Art Center since 2014 and he is a guest lecturer at NYU. Lambrovassilis has recently completed a project assigned by the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum.