Netto was born in the city of Vera Cruz January 1, 1933, from a family of agricultural workers. He made the picture of Fildel Castro, for request of the Pupils of the Politécnica/USP to festejar the Cuban Revolution. The Picture of Fidel Castro was taken in palanque mounting in the Square of If for sympathetical students e, immediately afterwards, burnt for the policy; – according to GGN: “ it was burnt by the DOPS” – created in 1924, it marked and it lasted the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1984). Therefore, the DOPS, since its creation, was had as tool of control and repression of the popular manifestations and indeed in tortures and murders. Gontran Netto painted for the 20 commemorated years of Cuban Revolution in a collective exposition in NY. In the years of 1980, GGN engaged its painting against racism with collective exposition “100 artistes against le racism’. In 1983, it painted `Apartheid 1′ (200 x 200); for another collective “Art contre/against Apartheid” – in this screen, GGN makes an impression for the emptiness: but a child. It is the end or the hope? For another side, the strong colors populate the emptiness of the hunger, of the esquecimento. For this meeting, beyond the painters/artists, also have an assay of the philosopher Franc-Algerian Jacques Derrida.